Promise Home Ten Year Celebration

September 24, 2023 11:15am - 2:00pm  |  Bluff Park United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall

733 Valley Street, Hoover, AL, USA

Come to the Fellowship Hall to see several pictures of the construction of the home, the ground breaking, and the many activities since. Volunteers will be there to share the history of the Promise Home.

Soon after the Promise Home was founded, the Promise Partners were created to meet as a Sunday School class in the church. The members are from the Promise Home and other members of BPUMC. A group of volunteer teachers rotate among the weeks each month. Recently, the members of the Promise Partners, with choir robes, sang to two other classes.

The Promise Home property is owned by The Bluff Park United Methodist Community Ministries Foundation. Glenwood, a non-profit agency, has been been dedicated to serving children, adolescents, and adults with autism and other behavioral health needs since 1974. Since the opening of the Promise Home, the Foundation and Glenwood have been fortunate to have a great arrangement.
Glenwood staff will be with us at the Celebration.

You are also welcome to visit the Promise Home to see the six private rooms, kitchen, dining room, and common areas.

Blessings to the Promise Homes residents, Promise Parters, their families, BPUMC members and the Community.