If you’re looking to build deeper relationships that strengthen your walk with Christ, then Common Tables are for you. Common Tables are weekly gatherings of 10-12 adults who meet in homes to eat dinner, engage scripture, and share life together. Adults of all ages are welcome to join a Common Table!


Whether you’re brand new or have been a part of Bluff Park UMC for a while, Common Tables are a great way for you to get connected. If you’re ready be a part of one, register at the link below.

To register, click the button below! If you have questions, email Billy Rainey at brainey@bpumc.org

What Others Say About Common Tables

Madison Barker - BPUMC Member Since 2021
Madison Barker - BPUMC Member Since 2021

“It is certainly uncomfortable putting yourself “out there”, but we were welcomed to Common Tables as if we had known the people in this community for years. Now, almost three years later, I can’t imagine my life without this group of consistent, like-minded, intentional, loving people. We had no idea what we were signing up for, but the Lord certainly did.”

Ashley Stork - BPUMC Member Since 2022
Ashley Stork - BPUMC Member Since 2022

“Common Tables was the catalyst for us deciding to join BPUMC. Without them, we wouldn’t have gotten as plugged into the community and it’s made a huge difference in our lives. These are now some of our closest friends, confidants, and spiritual supporters. CT is a blessing in our church community!”