Pastor’s Bible Study with Rev. John Mitchell

Every Wednesday Until September 27 at 5:00 pm  |  Bluff Park United Methodist Church Fireside Room

733 Valley Street, Hoover, AL, USA

Rev. John Mitchell will be leading a weekly study based on the book “If You Want to Walk on Water, You First Have to Get Out of the Boat” by John Ortberg.

This book study begins on Wednesday, September 6th and continues each Wednesday in September with the final session on September 27th.

If you’ve ever had trouble figuring out what God’s purpose for your life is; or if you’ve ever felt like you lacked the skills needed to step out and just do what God asks you to do; or if you just feel that you are standing still in your walk with Jesus, or if you just want to learn how to walk on water, then know that you are not alone!

Why not consider joining John as he leads you in a study of what it means to walk on water – relying on God – without sinking and without being afraid. In your time together, you will learn steps that will help you to face life’s fears without having fear have the last word in your life. You will also discover how to find God’s unique call on your life. And you will learn about the awesome power of God that enables you to accomplish what you would not be capable of doing on your own.

These classes will be held in an informal setting using videos, group discussions, and handouts. All materials will be provided. The only things to bring are your bibles, a pen or pencil, and some paper or a notebook on which to take notes. You will also need to purchase the book if you would like to read along during the study. Come and join in the discussion and see what’s possible when you learn how to walk on the water. But remember, as Pastor Ortberg so appropriately puts it, “If you Want to Walk on the Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat”.

The book is available to purchase on Amazon and you can click the link below to order.