Midweek | Soul Shop
April 3, 2024 5:45 PM
- 7:30 PM
Bluff Park United Methodist Church
The impact of suicide has been felt by so many people in our own lives and communities. Such a reality beckons us as a people of faith to cultivate a community where those who struggle with suicidal desperation can find hope, community, and steadfast love. Join us as our pastoral team leads us through Soul Shop, a workshop that engages the question of how to cultivate a soul-safe culture within your congregation. This will include training on suicide awareness and basic conversation skills to help those in the midst of struggle.
An optional dinner for $7 starts at 5:45 in the Fellowship Hall with our conversation to follow at 6:30 in the Fireside Room, both located on the first floor. Whether or not you'll be eating with us, we ask you to register at the link below. If you have any questions, email Billy Rainey at brainey@bpumc.org