Worship and Music

I need to worship because without it I lose a sense of wonder and gratitude and plod through life with blinders on.

John Ortberg


Music has a vital role at Bluff Park United Church as we engage with people to worship God. We are dedicated to enabling everyone to experience the presence and power of the Lord through congregational singing, as well as choral singing in the Sanctuary Choir, special occasions with the Men’s Choir and Women’s Choir, the Contemporary Worship Band in our Gathering Service, Handbell Choir, and in our Children’s Music programs. We have a strong desire to glorify God through music in all of our gatherings and programs. Music speaks to our soul and can imprint the scriptures and truth on our hearts. It comforts us when we need it most, it can remind us of how much God loves us and His gift to us in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. 

We strive to embody the gospel of Jesus Christ and His mission by reaching out to each other, the community, and the world; nurturing one another in the life of the church as we proclaim the gospel through music.


Sanctuary Choir

The Sanctuary Choir at Bluff Park is a non-auditioned group of dedicated singers who meet for rehearsal on Wednesday evenings (typically August through June) from 6:30pm-7:30pm. The choir is comprised of people of all musical abilities and all walks of life and professions. The Sanctuary Choir is a supportive fellowship with numerous opportunities to deepen one's faith and friendships, and they lead in Traditional Worship each Sunday morning at 8:45am. The choir presents numerous special programs throughout the church year and often works with professional instrumentalists, while singing each week with the piano and organ. Visitors are always welcome to come and experience wonderful fellowship Wednesdays at 6:30pm in the Choir Room behind the sanctuary!

The Sanctuary choir continues the rich heritage of “excellence” in its singing and in the outstanding literature it sings. The choir continues to be an important part of our weekly worship service as we sing with our magnificent organ. The choir presents numerous special programs throughout the church year and often works with professional instrumentalists or even a full professional orchestra.
Visitors are always welcome to come and experience wonderful fellowship Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the Choir Room

The Gathering Worship Band

Our modern worship band led by Davis Haines is a super fun, yet worshipful experience. Davis and the gang lead our contemporary worship service with modern and historic songs alike as we praise God together in an intimate setting. Relaxed and warm is the best way to describe being part of this group, so if you have musical experience please reach out and we can talk about joining! This is a fun group!

Children's Choirs

Our Preschool Choir is so adorable and is a great way for your kiddo to get plugged in here at BPUMC. We learn the basics of singing and learn about God along the way!

Our Elementary Choir is so cute too! We continue our musical education and learn more about God as we sing songs and tell stories about Jesus and his healing touch on this world!

Adult Handbell Choir

Our Adult Handbells, a 3-5 octave handbell ensemble for Senior High Youth and Adults (even the young at heart) help lead in the 8:45a.m. Traditional Service for special occasions, September - May. We rehearse intermittently in the Handbell Room. Ringing experience and the ability to read music and rhythms is helpful, but anyone can be taught!