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Please download, complete, and return the relevant form below to the church office unless otherwise noted. You may drop off completed forms during business hours or mail the completed forms to this address:

Bluff Park United Methodist Church
733 Valley Street
Hoover, AL 35226


All Bluff Park United Methodist college students who would like to apply scholarships must have their forms submitted to the church office by June 1st, 2024. Contact the church office for the submission deadlines.


Bluff Park United Methodist Church (BPUMC), an Alabama not-for-profit corporation, is a community church that makes its facilities available to groups or organizations for meetings or other events, whenever possible. All requests for usage of the church facilities must be submitted in writing [with the deposit due] and approved by BPUMC in advance. A PDF version of the Church Usage Agreement and Event Request Form is available below.

To request the use of the church facilities, please print and fill out the appropriate forms and submit them, along with any supporting documentation required, to the church office.


Bluff Park United Methodist Church believes that all people are significant to the growth of God’s kingdom and should have opportunity to worship, learn, and serve in various capacities to ensure personal growth and growth of others. We seek to provide an environment that is physically, emotionally and spiritually safe for all persons who enter our doors, especially children and youth. We seek to provide a safe environment in which opportunities for abuse are minimized through proper enlistment and supervision of those people working with them. We strive to be a “Safe Sanctuary” where we can work hand-in-hand growing our children and youth in their faith and a life devoted to Christ.