“the goodness that each thing hath, it is He.”
― Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love
Have you ever wondered why life seems so filled with meaning? Maybe you've marveled at the beauty of a sunset, or a majestic mountain. Maybe you've seen the look of joy on a baby's face when it sees its mother. There are many examples from life we could draw from that give us a sense of a purpose and an existence bigger than ourselves. At Bluff Park UMC, we believe along with countless others in ages past who declare that God is behind all the goodness that we perceive, and that God has created us, loves us, and wants to move further with us in our relationship with him. We believe spirituality is the pursuit of this goal, and at Bluff Park UMC we have many ways of getting closer to the one who made us, sustains us, and loves us so immensely that it can be overwhelming at times! Below are just a few of the ministries we offer for this purpose. Please reach out to us with special questions or concerns!

Children are a very important part of our congregation. Our goal is to help children from infancy through 5th grade learn who God is, how much God loves them, how they can have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, how they can grow in that relationship, and how they can share the love of God with others. Because they are so important we have a Safe Sanctuary Policy in place and require a background check on all volunteer and paid staff who work with our children.
On Sunday mornings we offer a nursery from 8:30-12:00am and Elementary Sunday school from 9:45-10:30am, and elementary children are invited to attend Children's Church during both of our worship services on every Sunday except the first Sunday of the month. On Wednesday nights throughout the school year from 5:30-7:30pm, we also offer Midweek Meetup, a time of dinner, choir, Bible time, and recreation, for all children!
We have Sunday School every Sunday at 9:00AM, Open Gym every Sunday at 4:00PM, Activity Night every Sunday at 6:00PM, and Holy Ground Worship every Wednesday at 5:30PM. Check out our upcoming events or sign up for our newsletter for more information, and we'll see you soon!

No matter what stage of life you find yourself in, Christ calls you to a deeper relationship with Himself and His people. We at Bluff Park UMC are blessed with a multi-generational community where you can find relationships that are meaningful, experiences that are transformative, and faith that leads into a life of growing in grace. In all we do, we seek to help adults of all ages "press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:14).
To help you on your journey, we invite you get plugged into a Common Table, Sunday School, or Bible Study. Common Tables are weekly gatherings of 8-10 adults who meet in homes to eat dinner, engage scripture, and share life together. Sunday Schools meet in between services and there are opportunities for all ages. We also have men's and women's bible studies that meet throughout the week to dig deeper into scripture alongside friends of all ages. Ready to take your next step? Email adultministry@bpumc.org today

We strive to embody the gospel of Jesus Christ and His mission by reaching out to each other, the community, and the world; nurturing one another in the life of the church as we proclaim the gospel through music.

United Women in Faith connects and nurtures women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.
bluff park PRESCHOOL
Little Imaginations is a half-day preschool offering classes for infants 6 months of age (as of September 1st) through 4-K. We are located inside Bluff Park United Methodist Church in the hills of beautiful Hoover, Alabama. Our mission is to offer a comprehensive preschool education to children of all backgrounds and faiths. Through teacher-student relationships, we strive to prepare students for their future with a strong foundation in both academic and social skills. We believe that preschool children learn through play, socialization, and the application of a broad and age-appropriate curriculum. Our goal is for each child to be kindergarten-ready at graduation; in heart, mind, body and spirit! Our small preschool setting offers a sense of community. Children and parents have the opportunity to interact with the teachers and administration each day. All children in our care are loved, valued, and embraced for their unique and special qualities.