ministry guide

It's Spring 2025 at-a-glace for your calendar! This is a quick guide so you can plan for your Spring with us!

Adult ministry

Join a growing group of adults of all ages who are seeking to grow spiritually and connect with one another. This is where community starts!

Common tables

Wednesdays this Spring   |  5:30-7:30pm

The mission of Common Tables is simple: come together with good friends over good food to help one another listen for the voice of God in our lives. At a Common Table, members gather together for about 2 hours to share a meal, search Scripture together, share life, and pray together. You can join in at any point of the year. Learn more and sign up today!

Thursdays With Friends

January 30th, February 27th, March 20th,  April 24th all at 10:00am

Thursday With Friends gathers on the last Thursday of each month (except when conflicting with holidays) to offer a place for Seniors to connect with one another, share a meal together, and engage with a meaningful topic. If you are a senior looking to connect to community, this is a great place to start! We will kick off on January 30th with a bunco party, so make plans to join us.

Chili Cook-off

Sunday, January 26th at 6:00 pm

The winter season is meant for chili and we know that many of you have a recipe to show off. Now’s your time to shine! We will be holding a church-wide chili cookoff on Sunday, January 26th at 6 pm in the Fellowship Hall for folks to bring in their chili to compete to be named BPUMC’s best! If you are interested in cooking a chili to be submitted for competition, email Billy! If you’re just a fan of eating chili, mark your calendars and join us!  

BPUMC Men:  Birmingham Legion Game 

Sunday, April 19th

Men of all ages are welcome to root on our local soccer team, the Birmingham Legion, on Sunday, April 19th. The time has not yet been announced for this game, but event information will be updated as soon as it is. 

Ruffner Mountain Walk

Wednesday, February 12th  |  9:00am

Join us for a walk on Ruffner Mountain, one of Birmingham’s prolific hiking areas. We’ll be walking along a trail that offers a scenic but easy hike. Free of charge, but let us know you’re joining by registering at We will meet at the church at 9:00 am to head over for the hike.  

Godspell Jr. at Virginia Samford Theatre

Sunday, March 16th at 2:30pm

Join us for a trip to Virginia Samford Theatre for a viewing of Godspell Junior! An all-female cast will explore the themes of leadership, friendship, and trust in this musical retelling of the Gospel of Matthew and teach us all to learn our lessons well. Tickets are $28. Reserve your spot today, space is limited!

Stations of the Cross Prayer Walk

 Sunday, April 13th  |  3:00pm

The Stations of the Cross depict through artistic expression the path that Christ walked on the day of his crucifixion. As we begin Holy Week, join us for a communal prayer walk through this journey using the stations found in our sanctuary. Join us for a time of prayer and reflection on the passion of Christ and the love of God from which nothing can separate us.   

The Dill Pickers at Hoover Library Theatre

Thursday, April 10th  |  7:00pm

The Dill Pickers are a renowned, entertaining musical group with a bending towards bluegrass but also known for a multi-instrumental “wide variety of music and frivolity.” Coming from a wide theatrical background, the group members seek to create a show for people of all artistic preferences. “Don't let the banjo and fiddle fool you. The Dill Pickers will flat out entertain you and you'll leave with a smile on your face.” Tickets are $30 and go towards Friends of the Hoover Library. Register today!

Men’s Tuesday Bible Study  

Every Tuesday | 6:30am  

Join this diverse group of men as they tackle the ins and outs of holy scripture each week!

Men’s Anxiety Bible Study  

Wednesdays beginning Jan. 15th | 6:00pm  

The Spring Men’s Bible Study will be using the LifeGuide Bible Series titled Anxiety: Finding Comfort and Reassurance from God. The first meeting will be Wednesday January 15th at 6:00pm in the Library. There is no registration so just show up.

Gospel on the Ground  

Sundays beginning Jan. 19th 4:00-6:00pm  

Amy Baird and Crew are back inviting BPUMC folks to their latest awesome study featuring the teachings of author Kristi McLelland, The Gospel on the Ground. This study will feature devotionals and conversation on what it means to be the Church in our day to day lives, life “on the ground.”  No registration required, just show up!  

Becky Walker Bible Study  

Every Tuesday | 9:30am  

This large ongoing women’s Bible study is always an interesting and enriching time no matter what is being studied! If you’re looking for fun and spirituality this is the group for you!

Pastor Bible Study  

Wednesdays beginning Jan. 15th | 5:00pm  

Dr. King and the men and women around him were able to change history through the power of a dream that was not rooted in mere human principles. That dream was rooted in the love of God for all his children made in his image.  

Annual BBQ and plant sale

April 11-12

If you love pulled pork BBQ and gettin' plants at dirt-cheap prices, this event is for you! It's BPUMC's annual BBQ and Plant Sale and it's a rollicking good time that raises money for our missions and garden ministries. Please stop by at some point during these two days and grab some BBQ and some plants! Hang out too, it's super fun!

Children's ministry

Our Children are at the heart of this church's mission. We would love to welcome your precious little one into our loving group as we learn the basics of the faith and have fun doing it!

Wild Wednesday:  Inflatable Night

Wednesday, January 8th  |  5:30-7:30pm

 Let’s celebrate the start of the new year on Wednesday, January 8th from 5:30-7:30 with an Inflatable Obstacle Course and a Bouncy House, as well as a free dinner (Breakfast for Dinner!).

midweek Meetup

Wednesday, January 15th  |  5:30-7:30pm

Children’s Midweek Meetup returns on Wednesday, January 15th, and happens every Wednesday night after that during the school year from 5:30-7:30. The children will enjoy dinner ($4), choir, recreation, age focused Bible Study/Classroom time, and more! 

Registration Opens for VBS and Camp on the Bluff

 Monday, January 27th  |   6:00am

Registration for Camp on the Bluff and Vacation Bible School will open on Monday, January 27th at 6:00am! Why do we have an event for these two opening registration? Because these fill up really fast, so be punctual! Visit the Kids page and get ready the night before if need be!

Wild Wednesday:  Nerf Night

Wednesday, February 12th  |  5:30-7:30pm 

On Wednesday, February 12th, instead of our regular Children’s Midweek Meetup, we’re having a Nerf Night from 5:30-7:30! Children will enjoy Nerf Target Practice and Nerf Battles in the New Gym!

Movie Theatre Mission Trip/Field Trip

Monday, February 17th  |  Drop off 7:30 am and pick up ends at 4:00 pm

On Monday, February 17th, we will be making crafts and cards for our church’s shut-ins, and then going to the Theatre to see a movie. This mission/field trip is open to Kindergarten-5th grade and the cost is $40 per child. Drop off begins at 7:30 am and pick up ends at 4:00 pm.

Bargains on the Bluff

 February 21-22

Bargains on the Bluff, our semi-annual Mommy and Me Consignment Sale, will be held on February 21-22. The proceeds from Bargains on the Bluff allows us to offer VBS free to the children of our church and our community, so we encourage as many people as possible to consign, shop, and/or volunteer to work at the sale this year! 

Easter egg hunt

 Saturday, April 12th  |  10:30am -11:30am

Our annual Children’s Community Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 12th from 10:30-11:30am. Come as a family and invite your friends to an Easter Egg Hunt with 10,000 eggs, pictures with the Easter Bunny, door prizes, special prize eggs hidden for each age group, and more! Gathering starts at 10:30am, and the Egg Hunts start right at 11:00am! We look forward to seeing you there!  

Wild Wednesday:  Bluff Park’s Got Talent

Wednesday, April 30th  |  5:30-7:30pm

On Wednesday, April 30th, instead of our regular Children’s Midweek Meetup, we’ll be having a Talent Show, and a free dinner, from 5:30-7:30am in the Fellowship Hall! 

Childrens Church  

Every Sunday Morning (except first Sunday of the month) for Kindergarten - 5th Grade students. About 15-20 minutes into the Traditional Worship Service children will be invited to leave the sanctuary with Rev. Stanley and attend Children’s Church in Hudson Hall, returning to the sanctuary at the conclusion of the service for pickup. Children’s Church is a short worship service geared towards them at an appropriate age level that includes prayer, offering, and a children’s sermon.   

Children’s Sunday School  

For kids infant - 5th grade from 9:45-10:30am. 

Children will learn Bible stories, participate in missions projects, have lessons, and play Bible themed games. Infant - 4K meet in the Preschool Hall, and Kindergarten - 5th Grade meet in the Childrens Hall (both 1st floor).

Youth ministry

Our youth are a vital and amazing bunch of kids. If you're curious about your kiddo joining them to grow in Christ and have a great time, check out our Spring offerings!

Holy Ground

Wednesday Nights | 5:30-7:30pm  

Holy Ground is our weekly youth worship service, where we meet every Wednesday to eat dinner, play games, worship, pray, and study the Bible together from 5:30-7:30pm. It’s a great time for middle and high schoolers to connect with God and each other! Dinner is $4. Cash or check.

Sunday Night Activities  

Sunday Nights | 6:00-7:30pm  

We meet every Sunday night from 6-7:30pm to eat dinner, play games, do mission projects, and fellowship with one another! Come let your kiddo be part of the crew! Dinner is $4. Cash or check.  So much fun for everyone!

Sunday School  

Sundays | 9:45am  

Join us every Sunday morning from 9:45-10:30 in the Connect Room on the first floor! This is one of our favorite times of each week as we eat breakfast, talk about life, and pray for one another.

Inflatable Night  

January 8 | 5:30pm  

Middle, and high school students are invited to come kick off the semester with us on January 8th with an Inflatable Night! We’ll have a giant inflatable obstacle course a bouncy house, and a FREE dinner, so bring a friend and we’ll see you there from 5:30-7:30 on Wednesday!  

High School Discovery  

January 10-11  

Students in 9th-12th grade are invited to join us for High School Discovery on January 10th-11th. This is an overnight retreat that prepares our high school students for their leadership roles during Discovery Weekend, and we’ll get to worship, play games, and have a great time planning Discovery 2025 together! There is no charge for High School Discovery, but students will be expected to attend and pay for Discovery Weekend (March 14th-16th). 

Confirmation Begins  

January 26th  

This is a chance for your student to learn what it means to be a follower of Christ and what it means to be a member of the church. Our 6th graders will explore topics such as worship, scripture, discipleship, missions, church history, and more as we meet to learn and grow together each week. At the end of the Confirmation process, they will have the option to officially join the church as members on Confirmation Sunday (although this is not required)!

Super Bowl Night  

February 9th | 6:00pm  

Most Sunday nights we meet from 6-7:30 as to eat dinner and fellowship with one another, but this week we’ll be watching the Super Bowl together from 5:30-10! We’ll have chicken fingers and wings, and students who bring a dish to share eat for free! It’s a long game, so students are welcome to stop in for just a little while or hang out the whole time.   

Karaoke Night  

Wednesday, February 12th   |  5:30pm 

6th-12th graders are invited to join us for a BPUMC Students Karaoke Night! We’ll have free dinner for everyone, do some traditional karaoke, and have a blast with blind karaoke too!   

Discovery Weekend  

February 28 - March 2nd  

6th-12th graders are invited to join us February 28th-March 2nd for Discovery Weekend, one of our favorite events of the year! This is a chance for our youth to worship, have fun, and grow closer to the Lord and to one another and we can’t wait. Our high school students get to help plan Discovery for our middle schoolers, and they’ll also serve as small group leaders, worship leaders, and speakers throughout the weekend. Early bird pricing for this event is $40 and ends on February 7th, so sign your student up ASAP to save $10!  

Silent Auction  

Friday, April 4th |    

Whether you have a child in our youth ministry or not we would love to have you join us on April 4th for our annual BPUMC Students Silent Auction. Not only is this event a chance for our whole church to gather and have fun together, but it’s an incredible way to support our student ministry! This year’s theme is Be The Light, and the night will include great food too! Don’t miss live music, dancing, and of course some great prizes. We can’t wait to have you join us!  

Confimation Sunday  

April 27th  

Get ready to celebrate an incredible group of students and welcome them into membership at BPUMC! These 6th graders have spent the spring digging into their faith each week with Regan, Billy, Rev. Ross, Rev. Stanley, and Rev. Quinten. They have learned so much about scripture and grown closer to God together and we are so excited that they have decided to be confirmed. This is a chance for them to publicly affirm their faith and commit themselves to God, and for our church to commit to loving, shepherding, and encouraging them along the way!  

Bluff Park’s Got Talent  

Wednesday, April 30th   

We are so excited for our 2nd annual Bluff Park’s Got Talent! This is a night full of joy and fun as all of our elementary, middle, and high schoolers share a free meal together and enjoy a talent show for all ages. We had such a blast with this event last year and we can’t wait to see what the children and youth will share with us this year! No auditions are required – just let Mr. Stanley, Regan, or Melissa know what talent your kiddo wants to share and we’ll get them on the schedule!

Senior Sunday  

May 18th  

On May 18th we as a congregation get to celebrate our graduating seniors together! Each of these students is a gift to our church and we are so excited to recognize them and pray for them as they begin this new season of their lives. This is also Promotion Sunday, when all of our new 6th graders move up into BPUMC Students, so to celebrate the youth will enjoy a special Sunday night together complete with free food and one of our favorite games: Romans vs. Christians!


Mission is the heart of the Church. God is in the business of redeeming a broken world, and guess what? We're on the front line. Join us!

pantry on the bluff

1st Wednesday of Each Month  |  8:00am

Pantry on the Bluff is open on the first Wednesday of each month from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm at BPUMC. Pantry on the Bluff has partnered with Bundles of Hope to provide disposable diapers in addition to food. Diapers are distributed at the same time as our food distribution on the first Wednesday of each month. Volunteers are the heart of our organization. Each month we need help packing grocery bags, bundling diapers, running the distribution, and restocking the pantry. If you would like to volunteer, email Billy or call 205-822-0910. 

under the bridge

Sunday Nights | 6:00-7:30pm  

Under the Bridge is a ministry that provides a hot meal for homeless men and women in downtown Birmingham on the second and third Tuesday evenings of each month. Team members prepare meals in the church kitchen. The meal is then transported to the Church of the Reconciler United Methodist Church in downtown Birmingham, where team members serve the meal. To join this group, reach out to Rev. Quinten Lochmann for details on participating!

United WOmen in Faith

Every 4th Monday of the month  |  10:00am

We are United Women in Faith, a powerful, fearless force driven by God’s love and united in sisterhood. With a focus on women, children, and youth, we act for justice and transform communities. We invite you to join us, because love in action can change the world. Reach out to Sylvia Sumners for information on how you can participate in this amazing group of women!

Quilting Group

Every Thursday  |  9:30am

If you enjoy quilting, or just want to learn from some experts, join the Quilting Group that meets here at BPUMC and makes quilts for the needy! Such a great ministry!  Reach out to Judi for more info!

RIse against hunger Meal Packing event

Sunday March 9th  |  10:00am - 4:00pm

Join us on Sunday, March 9, 2025 for an inspiring day of service as we work together to fight global hunger. Through this hands-on mission opportunity, we will pack thousands of nutritious, shelf-stable meals that will be distributed to vulnerable communities around the world. 

This event is open to people of all ages and abilities—families, small groups, and individuals are all invited to participate. It’s a fun, engaging, and meaningful way to come together as the body of Christ and make a tangible difference in the lives of others. Location: Old Gym at BPUMC 

Let’s rise together to live out our faith by feeding the hungry and sharing the love of Christ. We’d love for you to join us in this incredible mission!  Contact Julie for more info!