lent & easter 

At Bluff Park United Methodist Church

prayer labyrinth walk

Looking for ways to make Lent more meaningful for your faith walk? Join Rev. Dr. Kay Mutert, our Pastor of Care, for a guided walk through our prayer labyrinth on Sunday, March 23rd in the Fellowship Hall.  

Labyrinth is an ancient practice where we are invited to simply walk and pray through a guided path designed to center your focus. Unlike a maze, a labyrinth has but one path with many twists and turns. Kay is a Veriditas Master Teacher of the prayer labyrinth and will be guiding us on how to engage this practice in manners that deepen our connection with Christ.

march 23rd, 3:00pm — Fellowship hall

easter egg hunt

Our annual Children’s Community Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 12th from 10:30-11:30. Come as a family and invite your friends to an Easter Egg Hunt with 10,000 eggs, pictures with the Easter Bunny, door prizes, special prize eggs hidden for each age group, and more! Gathering starts at 10:30, and the Egg Hunts start right at 11:00! We look forward to seeing you there!  

april 12th, 10:30am — campus grounds

stations of the cross

Join Rev. Billy Rainey as he guides us through our sanctuary's artful stations of the cross. He will explain each one and talk about the spiritual implications for us today. This will be a powerful and moving experience, so don't miss it on the afternoon of Palm Sunday!

april 13th, 3:00pm — Sanctuary

Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday we celebrate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem as we wave palm branches just like the crowd did that day. This is a favorite for our precious little ones, so bring them along so they can join in the fun of this moving Sunday worship service. 

April 13th, 8:45am & 10:45am

maundy thursday

Maundy (or "Mandate" in Latin) is the service of Holy Thursday. After the Last Supper, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and then gave them a new commandment to love one another as he had loved them (John 13:34). This is the "mandate" that became part of the core of the new Christian movement. We celebrate and remember this during this service. 

April 17th, 6:30pm — Sanctuary

good friday

Our powerful "tenebrae" service is one of our most dramatic. It remembers the day of the crucifixion on which Jesus died for the sins of all human beings who ever existed. On this day 2000 years ago the world changed forever, and God's rescue mission of the world entered high gear. Please join us for this very moving and meaningful worship service. 

April 18th, 7:00pm — Sanctuary

you are invited to all of our lenten services and offerings!

Traditional easter services

It's the most important day of the Christian calendar! Easter means resurrection of our bodies, spirits, and all of creation. That's what the Bibles says and that's what we know in our hearts to be creation's ultimate future. Come worship with us the God who is making it happen from the past to the eternity that lies beyond!

9:15am & 11:15am — in the sanctuary

"the gathering" Easter services

Modern expressions of worship can be a nice counterpoint to our amazing traditional worship offerings. Come experience the Living God on Easter morning in an intimate setting in which we come close and praise God for creating us, sustaining us, and providing for us a future we can dwell in for eternity! 

8:15am & 10:15am — in the chapel