CONNECT WITH a small group

"They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer."

Acts 2:42


Common Tables are small gatherings of 6-8 people that come together around tables in homes in our community. The mission of Common Tables is simple: come together with good friends over good food to help one another listen for the voice of God in our lives. Just as God invites us around the table of Holy Communion, we believe that God also calls us to make each one of our tables places where strangers become friends, grace is shared, and transformation occurs. Common Tables exist to draw people closer together in community through the sharing of food and life. In Common Tables, we aim to help one another hear how God is calling us to draw into deeper communion with God, each other, and the world through shared practices, shared stories, and shared lives. Members of a table gather together in a member’s home to share a meal, search Scripture together, share life, and pray together. Each table is different, but these four features are always constant.


We have a variety of adult Sunday School classes with a wide range of ages, topics, and formats. Whether you are married or single, divorced or separated, have kids or not, are retired or just entering into adult life, we have a place for you. Look through the class descriptions below to begin your search for a class that fits you.Classes meet each Sunday morning before 10:00AM worship, with most gathering around 9:00AM. Locations are listed below with each class. If you have any questions before your visit, fill out the contact form below, or visit our front desk when you arrive.


If you would like to become a member of our church family here at Bluff Park UMC, please click the button below to get in contact with church staff, who will walk you through the membership process.


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