United Women in Faith | Learn About Bundles of Hope | Lindsay Gray
February 25, 2024 5:30 PM
- 6:45 PM
Bluff Park United Methodist Church - Fellowship Hall
United Women in Faith invites you to spend an evening with Lindsay Gray, the Executive Director of Bundles of Hope Diaper Bank in Birmingham. Over the past 6 years Lindsay has led her team, volunteers, and community in caring for families in a new way by providing essential, basic needs items on a consistent and reliable basis. Bundles of Hope has experienced tremendous growth under her direction.
Dinner is at 5:30 P.M. with program following. Dinner is FREE but donations are accepted to help cover the cost. Register today on Realm by clicking here! Childcare is available upon request to Sylvia Sumners at ssumners@bellsouth.net
About Bundles of Hope:
In 2014, a group of women from Mountain Chapel UMC who were planning a baby shower for a single mother began discussing the high cost of diapers. After contacting nearby food banks, churches and the United Way’s 2-1-1 Assistance they found the “diaper need” was, in fact, a reality for thousands of families in our area. There was nowhere for these families to turn for help. Bundles of Hope Diaper Bank held their first diaper drive in October 2014 at Mountain Chapel UMC collecting over 3,500 diapers and gave away 2,300 of those diapers in December at the Green Valley Baptist Church’s Food Bank. Within the first year of operation, Bundles of Hope distributed nearly 20,000 diapers to families in need.
The Leaders of this group presented to Bluff Park United Methodist Women in May of 2015 and our relationship with Bundles began. We knew we could distribute diapers through our existing
Food Pantry. But, we needed a leader and Betsy Guy stepped up and said this is my calling, this is my mission. She has recruited volunteers from all areas of our church, older adults, younger adults, youth and children, all are invited to help with this special mission. In addition she serves with Bundles of Hope as a volunteer. Since 2015 we have distributed 639,950 diapers, 28,875 pull-ups and 1908 potty pads through our Food Pantry. Total bottoms covered = 14,060! This is a huge job and Betsy does it with amazing grace.
However, Bundles of Hope does much more than distribute diapers, please come and hear the story as presented by Lindsay Gray. You will be amazed.