Family Advent Wreath Workshop
November 27, 2022 5:00 PM
- 6:00 PM
BPUMC Fellowship Hall
On Sunday, November 27th we will offer our annual Advent Wreath Workshop for families of our church and community. Families that attend will create an Advent wreath, eat dinner together, and receive an Advent wreath devotional book that they will be encouraged to use during the month of December to help remind them of the true meaning of Christmas!
The cost is $20 per family and it includes the cost of the meal, the lesson book, and all the wreath supplies. You will need to bring some clippers and any extras you’d like to add (like small clippings from your yard.) It is also recommended to bring a cookie sheet to transfer the wreath to your home. Neighbors and friends are invited! This event is a self-led session and you can come in late or leave early if your family needs to.
We have a limit of 20 families so sign up soon! The last day to register will be Thursday, November 24th or whenever will fill up. If you would like to attend this event, please register via the button below.